FIE is committed to strengthening our knowledge and staying current on the latest developments affecting our organization, staff, faculty, and students.  FIE as an organization, along with individual staff members, hold membership to many professional organizations in the higher education, study abroad, disabilities, sustainability, and diversity sectors including:

AASAP/UK - The Association of American Study Abroad Programmes United Kingdom. AASAP/UK was established in 1991 to represent American study abroad programs in the UK. It provides a forum for directors and administrative staff to discuss and respond to common issues, in order to meet the needs of the present and anticipate the demands of the future.  AASAP
AFA - Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors. AFA provides exceptional experiences, a vibrant community, and essential resources for the success of fraternity/sorority advisors. The organization has an ongoing commitment to the professional development of members, a deep appreciation of both academic and applied research that examines the entire spectrum of the fraternity/sorority experience and the advising profession, and a commitment to collaborations within and between the higher education and interfraternal communities.   AFAwebsite header logo
ASAPI - The Association of Study Abroad Providers in Ireland is the unified voice of the Irish study abroad sector. ASAPI serves as a platform for shared information, staff training, development, and support for everyone who affects the study abroad experience.  ASAPIBIGlogo
AASHE - Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. AASHE is helping to create a brighter future of opportunity for all by advancing sustainability in higher education. By creating a diverse community engaged in sharing ideas and promising practices, AASHE provides administrators, faculty, staff and students, as well as the business that serve them, with: thought leadership and essential knowledge resources; outstanding opportunities for professional development; and a unique framework for demonstrating the value and competitive edge created by sustainability initiatives. AASHE Logo
AHEAD - Association on Higher Education And Disability. AHEAD is a professional membership organization for individuals involved in the development of policy and in the provision of quality services to meet the needs of persons with disabilities involved in all areas of higher education.  AHEAD Logo BW
AIEA - Association of International Education Administrators. AIEA, a membership organization formed in November 1982, is composed of institutional leaders engaged in advancing the international dimensions of higher education.  AIEA
ASET'The Work Based and Placement Learning Association'. ASET was established to advance the prevalence, effectiveness and quality of work based and placement learning in Higher Education'. FIE engages with ASET's resources, trainings, and conferences in our efforts to continually improve our internship provision and assist students in their career development path and transition to work.    ASET New Logo
BUTEX - British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association. BUTEX brings together universities, colleges, and other HE institutions across the UK that have a shared interest in learning abroad. Our mission is to promote British education internationally, to facilitate collaboration and regular exchange of information between our members, to develop expertise and to influence the future of international education.  butex logo notag e1633085073546
CCIS - College Consortium for International Studies. CCIS, a partnership of colleges and universities (two and four-year, large and small, public and private, domestic and foreign) encompasses the broad spectrum of international higher education. CCIS members sponsor a variety of programs, notably study abroad programs and professional development seminars for faculty and administrators, which are designed to enhance international/intercultural perspectives within the academic community.  CCIS logo
DA Global - For nearly two decades, DA Global Access Network – DA Global – has been a trusted partner to higher education institutions, non-profit organizations, private sector companies, and government agencies. Together, they expand inclusive access to global opportunities that enhance organisational impact, advance professional success, and equip all students with the skills and competencies to succeed academically and professionally. DAGlobal Logo
EAIE - European Association for International Education. Founded in 1989, the EAIE is the acknowledged European center for expertise, networking, and resources in the internationalization of higher education. We are a non-profit, member-led organization serving individuals actively involved in the internationalization of their institutions through a combination of training, conferences and knowledge acquisition and sharing.  exhibitorlogo 32511
Forum on Education Abroad - The Forum on Education Abroad is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of education abroad. The Forum provides training and resources to education abroad professionals and its Standards of Good Practice are recognized as the definitive means by which the quality of education abroad programs may be judged. forumea member
ICOS - The Irish Council for International Students (ICOS) is an independent non-profit network of educational institutions, NGOs and individuals interested in international education and working with government and other agencies to promote good policies and best practice in relation to the recruitment, access and support of international students in Ireland. icoslogo300RGB txt

NADP - The UK National Association of Disability Practitioners is the  Professional Association for disability and inclusivity practitioners in the further and higher education sector. NADP provides codes of practice, peer support, conferences, and educational events to those working in education who are involved in the management or delivery of services for disabled students.

NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education is the leading association for the advancement, health, and sustainability of the student affairs profession. NASPA provides high-quality professional development opportunities, strong policy advocacy, and substantive research to inform practice.  NASPALOGO White
UK ENIC - UK ENIC is the designated United Kingdom national agency for the recognition and comparison of international qualifications and skills.  ENIC Logo New
UKCISA - The UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) is the UK’s national advisory body serving the interests of international students and those who work with them.  UKCISA logo 300
Vinspired - We're the nation's leading youth volunteering charity. We believe that young people can change the world. We provide young people with opportunities to gain new experiences and skills for life by taking action on causes they care about.  vinspired blue logo a8fa4820
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