Counselling Pic












If someone's life is at risk or you do not feel that you can keep yourself or someone else safe, you should call 999 or go directly to an Accident & Emergency department at the nearest hospital.

For advice on dealing with a mental health crisis or emergency, please see this NHS guide.



FIE's qualified and accredited counselor is Dr Deborah Hill, who offers appointments via video call and over the phone. The first three appointments are free of charge and ongoing sessions can be arranged directly with Dr Hill. To make an appointment with Dr Hill, simply email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



A charity in the UK that supports anyone affected by eating disorders


CALM is a charity leading a movement against living miserably, with a particular focus on male suicide


A free, online community from Mental Health UK where you can connect with others


FIE Accessibility Pages
Contact information and resources to support you throughout your program


FIE Mental Health Tips Poster
10 ways to look after your mental health


A meditation app described as a ‘gym membership for the mind™’


Hub of Hope
The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.


For those experiencing mental health problems or helping someone else with their mental health 


Mind's Side by Side 
A supportive online community where you can listen, share, and be heard.


NHS - Every Mind Matters
Helpful guides to understanding mental health, supporting others, and getting support yourself


A charity for the prevention of young suicide - Call 0800 068 4141 - Text 07860 039967


A charity working to improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness


Shout 85258
A confidential text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope


Students Against Depression
Information and resources to help you identify low mood or depression and then find a way forward 


Student Minds
Resources and support from the UK's student mental health charity


Student Space
A space dedicated to supporting students during the coronavirus pandemic, online or over the phone


The Samaritans
24-hour service for anything that is troubling you - Call 116 123


Victim Support
Support for those who have been affected by crime or traumatic event


Young Minds
Advice and support for all young people

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