Student Voices Submit An Idea

How it works

  • Submit your idea
  • Idea passed to the FIE team for review
  • If approved, it becomes an action item for the relevant team
  • Idea implemented! We will post the results on our ‘You Said, We Did’ page – be sure to keep a look out!


Who is involved

The entire FIE team reviews student feedback, creating action plans to create tangible change and shape a program that meets your wants and needs.



Departmental directors are responsible for ensuring feedback action items are executed in a timely manner, feeding back progress and results to the wider team.


Let us know

Ready to share your brilliant idea? Fill out the information below and help us turn it into reality

  • Name
  • Email
  • School
  • Your idea
  • How would your idea benefit students?
  • Send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • QAAreviewed
  • 2015 QUIP logo color
  • FEA Access Partner Logo 1
  • NationalCodeBeAssured